Bellydance Class

  • Lady posing
    Lady posing
    Lady posing
  • Lady posing
    Lady posing
    Lady posing
  • Lady posing
    Lady posing
    Lady posing



Students who join the belly dance lessons at Bellydance Haven have opportunities to perform in both internal and external shows or events. Outstanding students will be nominated to join the Bellydance Haven Performance Team.

Beginner Belly Dance Course

Divided into three levels, the beginner's course provides the foundation and fundamentals of belly dance techniques. Taught at a pace catered to new learners,  dancers will be guided to pick up a dance choreography at each level.

The Beginner Level 1 course is suitable for all ladies and background in dancing is not required. Ladies of any age, shape and size are welcomed. The Beginner Belly Dance Lessons will improve body flexibility, muscle tone and sense of rhythm. Work towards a more elegant, graceful and confident you!

Students who complete the full Belly dance Beginner Programme will be given the Certificate of Completion presented by Bellydance Haven.

Type of ClassNo. of hours
Beginner level 110
Beginner level 210
Beginner level 310

Join us for a trial class:

  • Every Monday 18:50-19:50
  • Every Saturday 10:50-11:50

Book your trial class now via WhatsApp/email.

See class schedule for NEW INTAKE of Beginner Class


Intermediate Belly Dance Course

Building upon the foundations learnt in the beginners’ series, the intermediate levels will emphasize more on execution of belly dance techniques and introduce a wider repertoire of movements. An intermediate level choreography will be taught in each level.

Students who complete the full Bellydance Intermediate Programme will be given the Certificate of Completion presented by Bellydance Haven.

Type of Class No. of hours
Intermediate level 11.5 h x 6 sessions
Intermediate level 21.5 h x 6 sessions
Intermediate level 31.5 h x 6 sessions
Intermediate level 41.5 h x 6 sessions
Intermediate level 51.5 h x 6 sessions
Intermediate level 61.5 h x 6 sessions

See class schedule for NEW INTAKE of Intermediate Class


Advanced Belly Dance Course

Belly dance fitness class elevates students’ individual self-expression, fused with heightened appreciation of music. Our advanced belly dance class involves more meticulous technique studies to enhance dancer competency so background on belly dancing or completion of basic classes are recommended before enrolling in the advanced course. Use of props such as veils, fan veils, poi veils, canes, wings may be incorporated. An advanced level choreography will be taught at each level.

Students who complete every six levels of Bellydance Advance Classes will be given the Certificate of Completion presented by Bellydance Haven.

Type of ClassNo. of hours
Advanced level 11.5 h x 6 sessions
Advanced level 21.5 h x 6 sessions
Advanced level 31.5 h x 6 sessions

See class schedule for NEW INTAKE of Advance Class



Belly Dance Fitness is a great workout for all while incorporating fun belly dance movements. Sweat it out in our weekly Bellyfit classes while improving body flexibility, coordination, musicality, poise and grace. Get ready to strengthen your muscles, tone up your figure and lose weight in this program!

Our belly dance fitness class is suitable for all ladies and background in dancing is not required. Ladies of any age, shape and size can join our Bellyfit classes!

See class schedule for weekly Bellyfit Classes.

Trial class schedule:

  • Every Monday 18:50-19:50
  • Every Saturday 10:50-11:50

Book your trial class now via WhatsApp/email.



Emphasizing on the proper, technical execution of movements, technique classes are designed to further enhance your belly dance fitness skills, body and muscle control, posture, flexibility and musicality of the dancer. Greater personal attention and focus will be given to each student to help them attain greater levels of competency in the art. Combinations of movements and/or short choreography may be taught.

Technique Class No. of hours
Beginner Technique Classon-going
Intermediate Technique Classon-going
Advance Technique Classon-going



Frequently Asked Questions

Bellydance Haven is a good place to learn how to belly dance! Our professional belly dance instructors will be able to teach you the ins and outs of belly dancing. Contact us for more information on how to start learning belly dancing!

Yes. Belly dancing keeps you fit, healthy, and looking graceful as well. If you’re trying to build your core muscles, correct your posture, and improve on limb coordination, belly dance is the right place to start.

Yes, you can lose weight while belly dancing! You shed a lot of calories while doing it.

It’s mostly a performative art but it can be used for exercise as well! Whatever your reason for learning belly dancing, it’s a fun way to work out.

As a form of leisure or exercise, belly dance is easy to pick up. The basics can be learnt in weeks to months. However, it can take years to perfect and master the art form at the professional level.

Belly dancing is a fun and energetic workout that can have you burning hundreds of calories per hour. It’s one of the more lively exercises.